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It all comes down to one question
Why Happymami?

In Spain, 75% of babies during their infancy will use a bottle (INE data). And science warns us, more than 50% of babies who try a generic bottle lose their breastfeeding.

Asexpert breastfeeding consultant midwives, we know this problem firsthand. Analyzing and understanding the reality that surrounds us, and without ignoring the infinite number of reasons that lead to combine breastfeeding with bottle feeding, we created this unique bottle for every mother.

A unique tool to help every mother with her baby who needs or wants to combine breastfeeding with bottle-feeding without being affected.

Compromiso happymami
cada mama con su bebe

Currently, the rate of babies in Spain who are breastfed during the first six weeks of life is 68% and drops to 24.7% in the first six months, according to INE data. Data far from those recommended by the WHO, or compared to the rates in countries such as Norway (71%), Sweden (61%) and Germany (57%). Projects and initiatives such as Happymami help to increase these rates, approaching WHO standards.

A continuous involvement for the promotion and protection of breastfeeding, but always vindicating respect for mothers who cannot or do not wish to breastfeed, or those who, due to some personal circumstance, have to suspend breastfeeding before the time they had planned to do so. #IamMomIamWomanIamFree.

“We don’t prosecute, we help you.” Our philosophy from the beginning has been to promote breastfeeding, without judging any mother for choosing to feed her baby, because as the president of the Spanish Federation of Midwives says: “I prefer a happy mother giving a bottle than an anguished woman breastfeeding”.

Redoing the origins of the bottle

Since its inception, the bottle was created to replace breastfeeding, and only the baby’s orography and the best design to facilitate the sucking of the newborn were taken into account without taking anything else into account. We decided to change this fact and work from another perspective: we do not want to replace breastfeeding, on the contrary, our intention is to care for it and encourage it.

That is why, after years of work and study, we have taken into account breastfeeding in its entirety in the development of our Happymami bottles. breastfeeding in its entirety.

The mother’s anatomy, the speed of breast milk ejection, its phases, the baby’s needs, the type of sucking, etc. A exhaustive study which has led us to develop a bottle that is unique in the world, with attention to detail, in which the protagonist is the mother and her baby.

Rehacer los origenes del biberon

At this point, we had to continue to improve

To date, generic baby bottles have been assumed to mimic breastfeeding, but ….. What breastfeeding? Because there are many breasts and they are all different. At Happymami we have developed our exclusive designs that simulate the different “projections” that each baby would encounter if we turned his or her mother’s breast into a nipple.

And a bottle that represents your breastfeeding should carry the best. That is why for our Happymami baby bottles we have used the best materials achieving not only the right projection, but also a sensory touch, with a delicate, soft and soothing texture that mimics the breast, with a touch of color that makes it so natural that maximizes the feeling of wellbeing and tranquility in the baby.

Cutting-edge engineering transferred to the care and pampering that our babies’ palate deserves, creating what we like so much… Pleasant sensations.


In addition, during the development of our Happymami bottles, we study all the needs that you have when you use a bottle, in order to be able to to give you a solution. So you will find that all our teats incorporate a double anti-colic integrated double anti-colic system integrated, without additional parts.

They are easy to cleanwith a wide-mouth design that allows cleaning even in the dishwasher even in the dishwasher, without the need for special brushes. Heat resistantcompatible with bottle warmers, sterilizers and microwaves. And made of the best material available, both the nipple and the cup are 100% medical grade silicone of the highest quality. Safety for your baby free of toxins such as BPA, BPF or BPS, as plastic ones can be. And if they fall, they don’t break like glass ones. Thinking in detail to offer you the best!

One to One service, one midwife for every mother

And the surprise at the end! When you enter the Happymami world, not only are you buying your custom-designed Happymami bottle for your baby, but it also includes many services you would never have imagined getting for just buying a bottle, even if it is the obvious best bottle! Because it is surprising but our desire to offer you the best has led us to create the protocol of accompaniment One to one Happymami. (One to one, is a very matronly expression, in which it is considered a model of work of the midwives, with which each midwife will be accompanying the birth of only one woman. A midwife, a womanOne to One). Well, we take this to the world of baby bottles and we are going to make you a One to One by Happymami. Obtaining all this:

  • Individual counseling with our midwives via whatsapp to make your bottle design if you need it.
  • You will receive guidelines studied to the millimeter to offer the bottle and obtain the best result.
  • Urgent shipment 24/48 hours.
  • Resolution of doubts and difficulties.
  • If he doesn’t take the bottle, we will ask you for videos of the feedings so we can help you, see where the problem is and get him to take it.
  • You have our maternity guides for your cell phone.
  • Most importantly, you get the bottle you and your baby need to protect your breastfeeding.

Now there is a bottle that takes care of breastfeeding, only and exclusively.. It also increases the likelihood that the baby will accept the bottle, since it has been designed exclusively for him.

Will you let us help you?

Guia forma pecho tallas 2022
Guías tallas 2 centímetros

[Lactancia Materna] 

Sabemos que durante la toma se produce una elongación del pezón, y la hemos tenido en cuenta durante el desarrollo de nuestras tetinas. Selecciona el pezón con el que te sientas más representada previo a la toma. 

Y por último, si usas pezoneras ten en cuenta el tamaño de la pezonera. 




¡Hola soy Alba! El holograma real de una de nuestras matronas y voy a acompañarte durante todo el proceso de diseño ¡Encantada de conocerte!

Recuerda que el diseño serán 5 pasos y en cada paso encontrarás distintas opciones entre las que irás deslizando para encontrar tu diseño perfecto.

Si das lactancia materna sigue las pautas con la marca:

[Lactancia Materna]

Si das biberón de forma exclusiva sigue las pautas con la marca:

[Biberón Exclusivamente]

1º Tipo de pezón

2º Inclinación de la tetina

3º Velocidad del flujo

4ºCapacidad del Vaso

5ºDale Color

Si tienes dudas con tu diseño puedes contactarnos por WhatsApp para que te ayudemos.

biberon ipad happymami

[B] Escogemos el flujo según la edad del bebé.

Recuerda que si vas a usar cereales, tienen una densidad mayor a la leche líquida, por eso tenemos disponible un flujo exclusivo para cereales y/o papillas


[LM] Existen corrientes de usar un flujo menor correspondiente a la edad del bebé.

Con Happymami no hace falta, nosotras para desarrollar nuestros Happymamis estudiamos la lactancia materna en su conjunto. La eyección de leche materna, el flujo de salida en cada etapa, la succión del bebé, las necesidades del bebé…. Y a partir de ahí desarrollamos nuestros flujos.

Entonces si tú tienes un bebé de 4 meses y le pones un flujo para bebés de 2 meses, lo que probablemente tenga más riesgo es que tu bebé rechace el biberón.

Por eso nuestra recomendación es que cojas el flujo que le corresponde por edad, y sigas las pautas que te daremos al realizar tu compra para que tu bebé coja el biberón sin afectar a tu lactancia materna.


[B] Si tu bebé sufre muchos cólicos necesitamos un biberón con un sellado total, que corresponde a la inclinación pronunciada. Por el contrario, usaremos una inclinación media, para casos aislados de cólicos. Y una inclinación suave en casos especiales indicados por nuestras matronas.


[LM] Puedes ponerte de perfil y observarte el pecho.

  • ¿Tienes un pecho totalmente plano? cogemos inclinación suave.
  • Si acaba totalmente en punta, escoge inclinación pronunciada.
  • O si más bien es redondito, inclinación media.

Si tienes dudas entre cualquier forma y redondeado, nuestro consejo es que cojas la inclinación media que corresponde al redondeado.


[Biberón exclusivamente] Si es el primer biberón que vas a usar desde el nacimiento, nuestra recomendación es que escojas un pezón medio.Por otra parte, si tu bebé ha usado ya otros biberones y los rechaza, o si al usar el chupete le genera muchos ascos y arcadas a tu bebé escogeremos pezón pequeño.

Guía medir pezón HM

[LM] Necesito que midas la longitud de tu pezón antes de la toma, [GUÍA PARA MEDIR PEZÓN].   

Sabemos que durante la toma se produce una elongación del pezón, y la hemos tenido en cuenta durante el desarrollo de nuestras tetinas. Por eso se tomaron justo esos parámetros de la medida del pezón antes de realizar la toma

Y por último, si usas pezoneras ten en cuenta el tamaño de la pezonera.